Wednesday 20 April 2011

My Favorite Piece

City of Ashes

"So what can we do now?" Clary demanded, hugging herself for warmth.  Cold seemed to have seeped into every pore of her body.  Surely it was too cold for a late summer.  Raphael, noticing her gesture, smiled minutely.    "It is always cold at a rising," he said.  "The fledgling draws strength from the living things that surround it, taking from the energy to rise."  Clary glared at him resentfully.

"You don't seem cold."  "I'm not living."  He stepped back a little from the edge of the grave__Clary forced herself to think of it as a grave, since that's exactly what it was__and gestured to the others to do the same.  "Make room," he said.  "Simon can hardly rise if you are all standing on top of him."

They moved hastily backward.  Clary found Isabelle clutching her elbow and turned to see that other girl was white the lips.  "What's wrong?"  "Everything" Isabelle said.  Clary , maybe we should have let him go__" "let him die,you mean."  Clary jerked her arm of Isabelle's grip.  "Of course that's what you think.  You think everyone who isn't just like you is better off dead anyway." 

Isabelle's face was the picture of misery.  "That isn't __"  A sound tore through the clearing, a sound unlike any Clary had ever heard before__a sort of pounding rhythm coming from the underground, as if suddenly the heartbeat of the world has become audible.  What's happening?  Clary thought, and then the ground buckled and heaved under her. 

She fell to her knees.  The grave was roiling like the surface like the surface of an unsteady ocean.  Ripples appeared in it's surface.  Suddenly it burst apart, clods of dirt flying.  A small mountain of dirt, like an anthill, heaved itself upward.  At the center of the mountain was a hand, fingers splayed, clawing at the dirt. 

"Simon!" Clary tried to rush forward, but Raphael yanked her back.  "Let me go!"  She tried to pull herself free, but Raphael's grip was like steel.  "Can't you see he needs our help?"  "He should do this himself," Raphael said, without loosening his hold on her.  "It is better that way."  "It's your way not mine!"  She jerked herself out of his grip and ran toward the grave, just as it heaved upward, hurling her back into the ground.  A hunched shape was forcing itself out of the hastily dug grave,fingers like filthy claws sunk deep into the earth.  It's bare arms were streaked black with with dirt and blood.

It tore itself free of the sucking earth, crawled a few feet, and collapsed into the ground.  "Simon" she whispered.  Because of course it was Simon,Simon, not an it.

The rest it just about Simon thirsty for blood and if you like what your reading buy the City of Ashes, but I recommend that you start from the first book, City of bones.

This is my favourite piece because it has vampires, shadow hunters, goblins, wolves and fairies and much more!  It is very interesting, adventurous and very descriptive and full of action, mysteries and some romance.  This is my favourite book so far, I have only read the mortal instruments series.   

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